Scratched Glass Material (Blender, Procedural)
This Product contains a scratched Glass Material, that can be freely configured to suit your needs. You don't need any UVs and instead simply supply a Vector.
Parameters in more detail:
Scale: lets you adjust the overall scale of the material.
Seed: change the appearance of the Material, if you have multiple instances of the same object, or see repeating patterns.
ColorGlass: Adjust the color of the nonscratched glass.
RoughnessGlass: determines the roughness of the nonscratched glass surface.
ScratchFactor: That is an interesting one. It determines how deep the scratches are. If you control that with the data from some maps, you can control the strength of the scratches across your mesh.
DirtyScratches: that value determines, if the Scratches are dirty. If that setting is larger than 0.0 it will use the Dirt settings
RoughnessDirt: That is the roughness of the dirt, which will be found in scratches (if enabled)
ColorDirt: Adjust the color of the dirt in the scratches (if enabled)
Usage in Blender 2.82:
You can either append or link the material into your Project (depends on if you want to modify the default settings)
after linking/appending the material you can simply select it in the Materials Dropdown Menu and modify it (if possible)
you can also only import the NodeGroup material.glass_scratched.biochemist and use that in the NodeEditor with Add -> Group -> material.glass_scratched.biochemist.
Usage in Blender 3+:
Setup a folder in your preferences for your asset library.
Then drop the downloaded file in there.
When opening a panel with the asset library, you should see a few versions of the scratched glass
A file, that contains the Material, ready to be imported into your Blender Project.